When and as I see myself accumulating back chat to the pattern that results in wanting to make a statement in regards to 'what's right' in relationship to 'what they are doing wrong', or when creating such back chat in the first place, I stop, I breath, and I deconstruct that point of back chat in relationship to the person I Berber and then judged, within self forgiveness self corrective statements. Within this first understanding that I am breathing, that I am here in and as breath, and not allowing emotions to be only accumulated within my mind, or where I try to use the emotions to state self forgiveness, but really pushing myself to breath within the context of actually deconstructing the point practically.
I commit myself within the commitment of bringing it back to self, that I limit my communication with others, and that I work on creating the starting point of how I communicate with others, nder the principle of what is best for all life, and us start with relating my physical participation, and what's here to communication, and keeping it meaningful, and not go into useless conversation that's merely preoccupying myself from taking self responsibility.
When and as I see myself using points I've walked through, or think I've walked through as this form of arsenal n my mind to defend myself as self righteous when in back chat against others, I stop immediately, I breath, and I let go of the points I'm exploiting and covering myself up with, and within this I commit myself to walk through this dimension of self righteousness, to understand that regardless of what doesn't of does exist within me, that I have no excuse to make rom for abuse within myself, and that In order to thus build principle to be introspective and bring it back to myself, that I cannot let any loose ends win myself which would protect myself from self responsibility for dishonest points, and thus openings to manipulate and deceive myself and others that Im smething else, a fake face.
I forgive mysef that I've not accepted and allowed myself to realize, that any time I settle even just within the pont of laziness from taking self responsibility for my shit, that I inevitably am making the statement within such implication of irresponsibility, that I am willing to attac life, and that I will continue to make fake faces, and will continue to be spiteful and disregard life and myself as walki through this process one and equal with life.
I commit myself to thus redefine myself here as walking this process one and equal with life, and that I commit myself to walk through all points of loose ends which I've accepted and allowed such voids and blame and animosity towards others to protect myself within only my self interest. Thus within this, when and as I see myself in such position of wanting to remain settled in the position of protecting myself or being self righteous instead of walking through the point equal in breath, I stop, I breath and I walk through the point within what ever means to bring that point back to self, and us within this I commit myself to challenge myself to really breath when in such a point of rush, and to really focus on bringing each individual point back to myself, where I can actually stand within moments where I can direct the points within myself in all places, and not hen too much dependability on having to resort in writing because I accepted such points within myself to accumulate within the voids and excuses.
Self corrective statements to continue in part 4..
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