I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to go into wanting to be entertained as the mind, instead of using time to give myself stability and direction.
I forgive myself hat I've accepted and allowed myself to do this out of wanting to run away from 'negativity' and thus not take self responsibility for moments that I experience myself as negative. Within this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus only accumulate points by feeding both polarities deliberately through entertainment.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to become indecisive with what I participate in as support, through having fed polarities, and not having breathed and stated self forgiveness on polarity points within daily participation.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to generate fear of losing myself within participation, not seeing and realizing that I have the tools, and the ability to change myself in any given moment to where I can properly direct myself through whatever participation.
When and as I see myself losing direction in the context of giving into the mind, I stop, I breath, and I immediately find a starting point hat supports myself ashy sisal, such as breathing, and stating self forgiveness, or seeing what I can work with here.
I commit myself to continue following my writings on schedule, and by also supportive what I do outside of writing by focusing on stating constructive and conclusive self forgiveness statements that support what I'm participating with here physically.
I see and realize that I can always direct myself through directing myself with what I require working with in the given moment, and that I am not dictated by my schedule, but simply that the schedule is there to cross reference with supportive things that I could do/should do.
I commit myself to not let self judgements take over what I require taki self responsibility for. Thus, when and as I see myself going into self judgement, I stop I breath, and I walk through that self judgement through physical direction, and deconstructing these judgements as much as possible to where I am no longer dictated by them.
When and as I see myself wanting to entertain myself instead of directing myself and structuring myself , I stop, I breath, and I find a way to direct myself with what is here, and I let go of the excuses or what I had fallen into, and change myself within hat moment to assure that I am and remain as consistent.
When and as I see myself wanting to entertain myself as to run away from 'negative' points, I stop, I brea, and I do not give into entertaining the mind any further, and I find a way to direct myself back to what's relavent/around me, and I do not feed into wanting to release energy, and I bring myself back to consistency, whether I like it in that moment or not, understanding at it is what's best.
I see and realize that when I feed these polarity points, that I will become indecisive inevitably, and thus, I commit myself to practically keep myself on bringing myself back to directive principle, and thus within is, always knowing that I can direct myself through working with what's here.
I see and realize that there is no excuse to not being able to direct myself, and that I can always brea, I can always state, and write self forgiveness, and I can always cross reference with what's here.
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