So the point I want to utilize in this blog, is how I can go about spending my money within my current financial situation, while giving myself the ability to work for more money, and within this, setting goals for better financial success, and pacing myself towards that financial position, within the context of being stable enough consistently to handle and face the circumstances when getting to a higher level of financial income.
So what I've discovered within myself, is that my relationship to money, how I spend money, and how I've related this to the people around me, has been way too much of a problem throughout my life, I've always been in the idea that making money was such a struggle. I thought "how do I get to a point of making allot of money?". So, within this, there's a couple of factors that fall into play within this perspective of making money, and it seemed to have been taught to me from the people around me. So let's list some of these points.
1 - I wasn't focused on myself within how I relate myself to my environment, and the people around me. I've always been in this idea that I have to beat the next guy, and win money, become famous, feel good, be better than another. So within this, I was focused on making money, within how I related myself to my environment. So within this, my perspective, and purpose was obviously screwed, because what I was going to do with money, was within the purpose of making it at the expense of another human being, and within this, I was already preprogrammed to fail, to be limited, and to not enjoy myself within my environment as equal to others.
So I've already seen what the root of the problem is within this first point, which is that, I've been preprogrammed to be limited within making money, based off of my preprogrammed design, which is to simply survive, barely get buy, and also, I've always hoped that I would become a millionaire, and hope that I would be the next movie star, or singer, or whatever big position I wanted to place myself in.
So the point to consider within myself, is how does one actually get to the point of achieving success, while still considering the current financial situation, and considering others around me at the same time? Well, it's simple, look at what's here, embrace it, work with it, and then work with that, while having the purpose, and focus of achieving success, and being the best version of myself, that I can possibly be, in order to CREATE success, which within this, one has to follow directive principles - what's best for all.
So the point I'm facing today, is a point I've created within a consequence, which is me wanting to have a gym membership at the YMCA. I noticed that I wasn't able to pay for this months membership, and so I decided to try and go to the gym, to go and see if I could cancel, but still possibly workout. So when I went to the gym, they told me that they would draft out money on the 15th, when I only had $20 on my card. So at this point, I had no other choice but to call my mom and tell her that this would occur. So I talked to her, and she was willing to put some money in my card, and within this, I decided to go and work tomorrow at my labor ready program. Within this, I considered all the possibilities that I could achieve, which was - I could make money at this labor ready program, while supporting myself with disability, and also, I can call my brother up for the test book for the land man position, then I can sign up for GIN.
So then I realized that I had to consider how much money I would be spending on my necessities, wants, and things that require to be there in order for myself to live enjoyably within this. So the points to consider here, are how I can support my mother in paying her back, which would be to work for labor ready, get the money to pay her back, and then within this, test myself to see if I can remain consistent within myself, and committed to making money. Then, once I prove myself within this, I can go get the test book for the landman position, and then sign up for GIN, and start placing myself in those circumstances, in order to have better financial success.
I see within all of this, that I require applying myself to my current circumstances, within assuring that I'm stable, and consistent, so within this, I will be investigating myself in remaining stable, applying principles - what's best for all, but keeping in mind that I have the opportunity right now to achieve great success, within the context of these principles, in order to create a world that is best for all, and to embrace myself within other peoples lives, to always reflect, and to always understand that these points can be applied by anyone, and it just takes seeing what your DESTENI is, your PURPOSE in life is, in order to achieve that success, to achieve that real happiness, and to experience the best version of yourself
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