I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think that by stating a honest truth/statement that I've related to being simply known and not fully walked throu in the directions which I've accepted myself as false, that it somehow gives me an empowerment simply by telling myself knowledge, which thus manipulating myself from actually living that knowledge in every direction with the energy/belief that I am what I claim as lived with using knowledge.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus have used ways of trying to feel powerful by stating knowledge to others, to feed the energy of preventing myself frm actually living and showing the outcome of what I claim.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus have compromised my process, and others abili to lean what I'm learning, by exploiting myself within my process as knowledge, and he glory ese I've attached to that knowledge, and resonating that knowledge as truth, when itmismin fact to manipulate others into fear of following me only, to control others in fear of being manipulated with knowledge from another.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus react to the fear of being manipulated in my past, as when I had so mny opportunities to stand for life, I accepted and allowed myself to be manipulated under knowledge, because I've accepted and allowed myself to as well participate in surviving as knowledge, and thus was simply put as inferior because I Llowed myself to want to be superior.
I forgive mysef that I've accepted and allowed myself to try to verify all the times I tried to control others, and t try to verify all the times I hadsucceeded as whA I accumulated as that controller as if there's no changing that because I've already puppeted certain people, thus within this I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have abused others because I had taken advantage of my process with fear of being taken advantage of. Within this I commit myself to only speak as self forgiveness self corrective statements, untill I can fully bro myself here practically to instead of the intent of controlling others, create myself under the true intent of supporting others to help the, and resonate this support, us strictly hurting the fuck up and only applying self forgiveness self corrective statements, making is much more helpful for others to really see me live what I state within myself, and thus making it easier where I wnt cause abuse that I accumulated to have to further utilize, and further own up to.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus not fully own up to my shit, but instead create a void of changing myself by e build up of controlling other, thus I commit myself to not take lightly of this, and walk every dimension within myself, my petty male ego, that I've ever attempted and have tried to control another equal being, and abuse them and anise life.
Within this, I commit myself to start walking every direction of myself, and eradicate all points of excuses in my new blog of 'walking to consistency within process' and as well pointing these dimensions out within my journey to I've blogs,
I commit myself to stop the guilt, to stop the obsessions to protect this pont, and walk through every possible step to create myself as trust worthy around life, and within this I forgive myself that I've not accepted and allowed myself to be self honest that I still have the intent of controlling and Ausing life, and that within this commitment I am not fully trustwory, but am simply giving myself directive principle to follow the steps of actually living this statement, the commitment to being trustworthy.
When I see myself in and as manipulating a reaction, or a point with trying to resonate knowledge as if I am living that simply by relating to that point of knowledge. I stop, and I let go of the reaction, what I try to protect that reaction, what I try to use to control that reaction by figuring it out within my mind, and breath each point out, and then, fully eradicate the point with self forgiveness primarily and strictly. Within this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to blame others when I react to them, and then try to victimize myself within that reaction to en set up Allan to abuse them, and others from what I've accepted and allowed as that fear reaction.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to try to sugar coat my own self destruction, and my own accepted and allowed evil with this point of blame and victimization, and thus I also forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to try to keep myself in self sabotage once I've accumulated consequences of trying to control the other person with deception, as if I have this get away card because I'm a destonian "better than them, and they are simply inferior to me" and then inking this can continue because what I've accepted and allowed myself to relate to non destonians as bad, and thus I'm this victim t them and that I can use the old pattern of self interest within desteni to use and exploit the other destonians for my self interest.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to then create e point of confusion, as this easy point to not face the point I've accepted and allowed within myself as trying to control and abuse others within the point of manipulating process with exploiting myself as knowledge.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not practically change this and letting go of the fear of others controlling me.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create points of escapism to keep myself trapped in the point of resent and blame to continue this point of controlling and a using another with exploiting myself as superior knowledge.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to try to manipulate other destonians with exploiting myself wi the act of being life, to thus verify this point of self putty, self blame, to continue the point of abuse within myself, the point of controlling others and keeping my abusive intent.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus relate this point that I can excuse the other points of abusewithin myself, to relating he emotional point and deceptive tactic of " ok they read this and that within my blogs, so now I can continue trying to control them with the other abusive points by stating knowledge on my fb statuses, or by commenting on their posts and claiming this self righteous act of who I am.
I forgive mysef that I've accepted and allowed myself to make e excuse that because I've already exposed mysef in this manner, that I somehow owe this apology from the perspective and starting point of humiliation, thus within this I forgive mysef that I've not accepted and allowed myself to practically walk through the point, and change the abusive point to in fact living as trust worthy.
I forgive mysef at I've accepted and allowed myself to thus only care for the convenient feeling, and thus I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not walk throu all inconvenience which I accepted mysef to accumulate because I allowedmyselfto be someone of fear, someone of ego and an abuser to control others. Within this I commit myself to let go of the point from here on, to stop trying to protect this point within trying to prove this as a point of self forgiveness for others to appreciate me.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create the point of expecting appreciation within my process,
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to generate all of the feelings of guilt, humiliation, from everything I've accepted and allowed as this, to protect the point of wanting to be appreciated for what I do.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not realize that doing what's best for all life has nothing to do with the emotions, has nothing to do with grabbing attention, and thus I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to try to verify this point of getting attention through having done the past acts of controlling and trying to decieve others wi knowledge, with exploiting myself as superior.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not take self responsibility when I in fact face the point of fear within myself.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think thT when I see a destonian agree with knowledge I've stated, that I can further accumulate the intent of myself, or when I find just anyone reacting to what I've exploited myself as, whether effected or not, that I can continue this act of controlling others with the point of using knowledge as if its a point I've fully walked through.
I commit myself to slow myself down, slow my mind down, and go on a walk to further direct this point to a well extent of utilization and stability within myself t assure I am facing the point head on, and as myself.
Part two coming soon with further sf/SCS.
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