When I see myself in and as moving myself under the construct of lazyness, I see myself in and as breath, and how my physical body is determined to stay alive, and within this build up the consideration throu breathin back to a point of stability within what's here, and within this sometimes even somewhat having to really focus n breathing to let go of moments that my mind wants to be the leader.
When I see myself in and as creating the expectation of convenience within a point, or when I find myself resisting a difficult point - I stop breath, and I come back here, and within that moment, redefine my stance within each point I allowed myself to exploit to where I have related a mind attachment or a self interest attachment to walking my process further.
When I see myself in and as allowing anxiety to take over my direction (especially when its sudden) and instead of breathing eventually within that moment, allowing self sabotage to not breath through the point determine my allowance of breathing or not - I let go of each point of self sabotage and emotional attachment to a moment of intense anxiety, or go to an isolated area for a moment to breath Nd literally stay there untill. Am stable to direct movement as breath, thus when I see myself in and as myself making excuses because of when others are around hich would cause more anxiety, I allow myself to breath within doing this, by going outside or in a bathroom, and then from is point seeing what's in front of me, and then going back with a primary focus of task.
When I see myself making the excuse that how I feel is just 'too much' to be able to breath through, I breath through this point and moment of excuse and resistance, and from here on, allowing myself to take a step by step direction back to what's here. Thus, when I see myself in heavy resistance, or accumulate to this point - I first stop, breath. I then walk to an isolated area, and when in the area, stating 3 self forgiveness statements, and a corrective statement to come back to here. Then walking back, and continuing focusing on breathing primarily, and even in reaction to others around me. Within is, letting go of the points that caused me to fall, or anything related to a reaction. Thus within this really testing myself within each step to will myself to come back here.
When I see myself in and as allowing accumulated emotions to be the reality of what's in front of me, and self sabotage myself to this point - I stop, I breath, and I create the starting point within that moment that what's only here is myself living, and within this feel myself or do something to snap myself to coming back here, and thus, walking previous steps to breathing within myself. Within this I commit myself to investigate my starting pont and redefining my starting point within process in my next blog.
When I see myself in and as dwelling on points from the fear of 'bei a fuck up' in society, or being placed to any extent that society would place me at with related points, and then self sabotaging myself within this to not stand here as life and not a system to change myself within that point - I stop, I breath, and I let to of the point very strictly till I'm back here, and not allowing that point to accumulate any further to settling from self judgements, or further self judgements that I would only allow the point to remain and not be taken care of as life. Within this I commit myself to redefine starti point to points I relate to placing myself in and as a position of 'I'm a fuck up'
When I see myself in and as allowing the enslavement from fear determine my action to a point, due to fearing the negative that I accepted and allowed to let that point settle as its very creation. I stop, I breath, and I walk through the point, with the understanding of that breath being the very thing I'm coming back to, and that the point in itself is simply an illusion to keep myself from being that real self, and being here as empowered within the point. Thus within this, when I see myself in and as letting the feeling of comfortability determine whether I will walk through a point or not, I redefine my position here physically as breath, and walk through the point thus here slowly as breath, and allowing that trust of ability to make it through the point to here as stand breath, and not as the intense thought. I commit myself to redefine my stance within and as a thought that I would usually percieve as 'bigger than me'
Self corrections will finish in part 4
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