Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 138 - standing in line, fearing reaction, and testing patients

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react to a lengthy line at the pharmacy, as negative.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself, to assume that others are experiencing themselves in a negative way because the line is long. Thus within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to project my negativity towards others, within what I was already experiencing within myself - worthless, incompetent, judge mental, a bad person.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel uncofident about my process, and thus myself, and then fear being in a line at the pharmacy.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to allow the sounds, an images of other people, Limit myself from being able to stand in line at the pharmacy, in a confident maner.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel in a rush, when going in line at the pharmacy, with the dea that how I'm feeling, dictates my experience while standing in line at the pharmacy.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to isolate myself from other people, and have this narsasistic experience within myself towards other people, when I walk into the store to go get in line at the pharmacy.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself, to thus isolate my experience of myself, where I want to experience positivity, and thus within this, create fear of others being negative, to where I isolate myself within myself, and separate myself from others, when going to stand in line at the pharmacy.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowin myself, to therefor relate these experiences, to a lengthy line with people, to where I limit myself from enjoying standing in line at the pharmacy, and enjoy the environment, and get to reflect myself from my environment effectively, and from the people around me.

When and as I see myself, isolating myself from the environment, to suppress my experiences and emotions, I stop, and breath, and I find a moment for myself to speak self forgiveness. Within this, I also commit myself to focus on my physical movement, and to let go of focusin my attention towards others, an then from this point, relate my physical existence an movement, to others around me.

When an as I see myself thinking that others are negative, or that they intend on taking away my "positive" experience, I stop, I breath, and I direct myself through focusing on what I'm doing, to what my responsibility is, and how I can support myself in the task at hand.

I commit myself to write on how I can communicate with others in a supportive way, regardless of what I'm experiencing, an investigating in depth in how I relate mysel to others, while in negative experiences, as well as positive experiences.


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