Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 68 - inconsistency part 2

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not focus on the missing points when I become in a state of inconsistency, and what I require changing in physical relationships, and thus I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not kee consistent with what I currently stabilize in order to find these missing points, but instead when y come up, just allow them t take over instead of sitting down, and seeing the most basic patterns that I can change to assure that I reach points more effectively. I commit myself to thus get ready for bed, and get enough sleep and follow these points placed here added to my schedule, and to thus make a clearer schedule with these points included to assure that I take this step effectively for better consistency, and to thus better understand real motivation, and actually standing for what's best for myself as life, and to thus grow a relationship and actual aspiration for what's best for all life, without misconstrued false images to pretend I'm cari, and thus being able to relate the reality of real care being consistent, to following a consistent schedule in real time physical for SELF responsibility.

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