Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 76 - generalizing process with knowledge energy part 2

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not realize tha in order to practically stop this point of intent and control, requires coming back to what's here with breath, and to practically walk through each point within myself fully as self, and then changing each reaction practically as real time change.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus try to accumulate the point of trying to generalize knowledge to the point of potentially abusing others because I've accepted and allowed myself to not come back here and accept what's here as myself.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus protect the mind point with guilt of the point which I've Accepted and allowed within myself to cause or accumulate to this point in real time within myself, and not realizing tha in order to in fact change this and fully changing this as it is, that I require fully accepting what is here to ever get to the truth of what I've fully accepted and allowed myself here within my existence.

I forgive myself tha I've accepted and allowed myself to thus hold on to the point of staying mind fucked in order to not actually take practical self responsibility for the point of exploiting myself as knowledge, and thus I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself, to instead of being here first, and fully Accepting myself within that breath, I create a negative point to keep myself in the mind trance and then only create openings of counter productivity to keep myself in the intent I'm walking through to eradicate to change to what is here.

I forgive myself that I've thus accepted Nd allowed myself to categorize the point I'm walking through as this impossible point, simply by trying to protect the point within the realization, of expectation.

 I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not give up denial to what I've accepted and allowed within myself. I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to therefor create the point of blaming others as a result to trying to verify the very existence I've allowed myself to become as the mind, in order to protect myself in this void of actually facing self forgiveness within my points, and just merely using my process to be a mind machine and keep relating mind polarity characters to my points, to prevent myself from actually eradicating the points, every mind machine.

 I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus create this polarity void of exploiting myself as knowledge, to not walk through the fear in fact, and in fact dare myself to walk throu conflict to stand up to change myself as a mind machine.

 I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to thus near the end of a point I face, that I create this idea that if I have this energized loudness or bluntness within my sf/SCS that I have changed the point in real time physical. Within this I commit myself to utilize my current points I've been facing, and thus actually stop the point of knowledge exploitation t control others as a void from actually walking real time change.

When I see myself in and as manipulating my process with a mind drive of changing, and not actually breathing here in real time physical, and thus actually letting go of the point fully and changing the point with not emotional manipulation. I breath untill I can in fact with confidence change the point as what's here, by stopping every single thought, through work, laying down, smoking a ciggerette, and once I can in fact relate myself through what's happening fit in front of my eyes, I then take the stand, and I change the point of abuse and ego within myself that I've accepted and allowed. Within this, when I see myself in and as kicking myself, or feeling guilty for e point, I breath again through the Same physical participation to directing myself back here, and take a stand again, untill I fully embrace the point, which within this, I commit mysef to practice this point fully regarded each time I'm about to write a point or walk through a point.

When I see myself in and as taking advantage of process due to the accumulation of not having came back here with breathing, and instead wanting to not give up the self interest and protecting that position further with manipulating my starting point t writing, or participating in process, I stop the participation within writing, and I go participate in the points of laying down, working, or smoking a ciggerette, untill I come back here, where I can fully write the point out without rushing e point, or holding back. Thus within this, I commit mysef to go have a ciggerette and practice e point of breathing, and then do alittle labor, and then lay down, Nd come back here to this writting.

When I see myself in and as the point holding off self responsibility through creating a negative spectrum to keep myself stationary within the point of fearing not bei appreciated or noticed for what I'm doing as process, and create the emotional points to stay in the intent of controlling there through knowledge energy and claiming having walked through the point fully, I breath here directly back to what I've accepted and allowed within and as myself as an ego, a manipulator of my own process, and I walk prior steps of physical participation and breathing untill I practically start actually changing myself and focusing indirectly taking self responsibili for what's best for myself and my environment rough actual walking, and not as a point of controlling, or gain, or self interest.

When I see myself in and as finding it 'too difficult' to walk throu an stems ive point which I've accepted and allowed within myself, I stop the negative point, walk through the physical participation processes, and then once I start directing myself to taking self responsibility, heather it be writting, or physical participation, or following a schedule, I directly focus on firstly what I've come back to self as here, and then taking a step by ste directive principle to changing myself within the extensive amount of abuse I've accepted and allowed within myself, and therefor when I see myself in and as coming back to the polarity point when facing a new point that causes some confusion on directing myself back here, I will take e physical participation direction to breathing back to here, and then continue with what I'm already doing daily physically, not adding or deminishing my participation, untill I have utilized the point within myself,mind then take another step to changing my relationship.

Wen I see myselfnt and as exploiting myself with a polarity and morality attachment to my sf/SCS, I walk through the physical participation point of breathing, and then take the process of seeing where I'm at within my self, and thus how I relate to what I've changed physically, and then practically build off of this foundation, and then practically write myself out, and keep with the point of physical participation and bringing mysef back here with breath.

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